Tuesday, October 18, 2011

One Of THOSE Nights...

I've ran through about a dozen different topics to write about tonight. Yet each time I sat down to actually do it, the words seemed to get stuck just short of my fingertips. I guess you can say I'm blocked, even though I don't really need to be putting anything to paper this evening. I have a review that still needs to be written, but I know better than to even attempt it on nights like this as frustration will certainly ensue. 

So here I sit, some random show on TV (I'm not even paying attention to it). Feet freezing for some reason, so I have my slippers on. Pea is in bed while I sit and stare at my laptop, trying to figure out if I even have anything that I really want to put on the Internet. I'm thinking not. Today ran a gauntlet of events, ranging from the ecstatic to the heart-wrenching, and everything in between. It's taken a ton of effort just to keep to everything balanced and not let the stress go to far or the blood pressure go to high (by order of the doc). I wonder if that's why I don't feel like I really have anything to say about any of it. Just sit here and let it all run its course. There's very little in this world that we can actually control and it would do everyone a load of good if they kept that in mind. Enjoy each minute you have, as you never know when it will come to an end, and roll with the rest. 

I will say that today remained busy throughout. I submitted another truckload of resumes (one of them has to hit, right?). Went to Pea's Parent/Teacher conference, which was made tremendously easier by the fact that her teacher & I are on the same page as to how to further her education. Played some Dark Souls, and yes, the complaints are true, progress in that game doesn't happen without many meetings with Lady Death (not the comic book character :P ). Batman: Arkham City is en route and another mystery package is coming as well. Well, it isn't a huge mystery as I do have an idea of what its contents may be. And when I'm done here, I plan to go spend some more quality time with with the Seven Kingdoms (Game of Thrones to those of you who have been under a geek-proof shelter over the last year or two). Speaking of, I think I'm going to kill this here. Winter is coming...

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