Monday, October 17, 2011

Let's See If I Can Fini...zzzzzz

So. Fucking. Tired. I would say I slept terribly last night, but "slept" in any context would be inaccurate. And given that I can't have energy drinks anymore, I think I became the poster child for dragging ass. Oddly enough though, I did manage to accomplish a few things. Knocked out a couple of reviews, submitted several more resumes, put a few more issues of GamerDad into motion and even got some presents in the mail (a copy of Dark Souls for review and a Subway giftcard). How I remained productive, considering my brain gears have been rusted solid all day, I couldn't tell you. In retrospect, I'm not really glad I opted out of the podcast tonight.

Speaking of the podcast, I really need to get with Bill and find a better way of doing it. I can't help but feel like we keep retreading the same ground. There are plenty of things to discuss, yet we keep returning to things like beta tests and piss poor marketing programs. The next topic we will cover will be a bit different, but I want to make sure we keep it that way. Dead horses are exactly that: DEAD. If it wasn't for the fact that a lot of times I'm playing things that I can't discuss (due to embargos), I'd say we need to focus more on that. I'll have to sit and think about it for a bit. Probably not tonight thou...zzzzzzzzzz

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