You know, I still find it a bit odd that I write as much as I do. I mean, you are seeing the typed words of a guy who detested English in high school (I was always a big history buff and science guy). Anyway, as someone who avoided writing in any organized form for so many years, it's a bit odd to see myself now, at 36 years old, writing more than I ever have in my entire life. And not just that, but enjoying it the whole time. I write about the gaming industry (over at GameFocus). I am constantly on Twitter, Facebook, and Google +. I just started writing a bit about music over at Inside The Circle. I've been considering resurrecting Quagmire's Kingdom (my own gaming site that has been on hiatus for the last year and a half). And now I've brought the blog back.
Social expression is the key. One look at just about any of my writing and you can see I'm much more of a conversational writer than anything else. I'll never be considered much of a story teller in novel-writer sense nor will anyone ever request me to put together a purely analytical piece. It just isn't my style.
Now, the bigger question is what could I possibly have to say here that I'm not already discussing elsewhere. And the answer? I have no clue. Essentially, I'm bringing the blog back as an amalgam forum. A place for me to put a voice to the happenings in my life. Something that allows me to collect my thoughts in a) more than 140 characters and b) something considerably more personal than anywhere else. Topics may range from my adventures as a single parent to my passions (gaming, music, movies, etc...) to, well, just about anything that strikes my fancy.
A little disclaimer though. I try to keep everything limited to PG-13 just about everywhere I am. Sure, I may drop an f-bomb every now and then on the social networks, but for the most part, my words tend to stay clean just out of respect to those who may be reading them. That will not be the case here. I'm not saying there will be loads of nude pics and a swear word planted in every sentence, but I will not censor myself in any way here. If you don't like to see things like "fuck you" or the occasional innuendo-laden image, this is not the blog for you. You have been warned.
And I know that everyone tends to make their inaugural post more of an "About Me" type of post, but honestly, if you are reading this, odds are you already know "about me"...
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